and now.. "the end is near".. ok just kidding.. this force of habit of singing a song when a phrase reminds me of it is REALLY at it's peak. seriously. this whole week, i have been hearing phrases and it just reminds me of a song...... ANYWHO.. and now i have time to think.. life had been sailing this week.. it's the calm after the storm.. but i have a feeling that it's becoming the calm before the storm (i know how u feel mona!).. so this seemingly busy schedule actually didn't overwhelm me... *gasp! maybe because i have gotten used to a busy schedule.. or that i actually had time to fit a busy schedule.. or maybe i was able to balance my schedule so that i'd have time for R&R.. and i started doing Pilates.. so that's always soothing. it's very relaxing. =) and on top of ALL that.. i had fun. and i'm getting some sleep. haha
the area of my life that i usually have trouble in is actually running smoothly.. maybe not the exact way i wanted it to but things work out in the end. i think i've finally came around to just LIVING LIFE.. i only live this life once.. yah know? and this week had really showed me how. even tho i have engagements.. there's no harm in having fun while i'm there.. and even tho school is school.. there's is definitely time to just get a little loose and have fun.. it may not be the funnest time.. but anything is worth it when it puts a smile on a face. i find myself smiling more and being more friendly/open (with the exception of today @ lunch). i don't remember the last i smiled and actually felt good. Actually, i do.. haha. but yeah.. that was a while back. I find myself motivated to go to school.. wut's my motivation?? being able to see my friends and putting a smile on their face. =)