Saturday, April 05, 2003
Tuesday, April 01, 2003
Monday, March 31, 2003
today was nice =) i got spring grams! yay! thanks solar & kristen! aww.. i feel loved.. i was going to buy some but u know me.. broke like a mother.. like always.. haha.. yay! i'm going to sadies! hehe.
Sunday, March 30, 2003
5:00 AM - watch family leave to deigo
8:30 - woke up
9:15 - pic up tickets for Jennifer and drop it off at artesia park [kyle had another game! =)]
9:45 - PCN practice
10:30 - home to change and take shower
11:15 - go to Di's house
around noon - got to Wilson High
1:00 to 3:00 PM - first run thru
4:00 - 5:30 PM - dress rehersal
7:00 - PCN
10:00 - AFTERPARTY =)
and u know wut i realized.. i didn't get to sit at all once we started the second run thru... so by the time we left the place my back was aching like crazy! *sigh*.. then during the afterparty i just walked around haha my feet became dull to the pain.. but yeah.. more pressure on my feet. it was fun walking around. when we got back after like a round of walking, we got up for another round.. haha. Then when we came back a second time, i ate casaba cake! it was SOOO yummy! hehe tong, angel, solar, and i had a fun conversation around the food haha! u know i'll be hanging out by the food table! =) then after that, jerome walked me to di's house where i parked my car. then left to gather stuff at home and left for jen's.
i'm kinda sad tho.. it's the last PCN i'll perform in high school. i just started to get to know these people and then i'm gonna have to leave it behind. *sigh.. but it was fun while it lasted.. even tho there was drama backstage but wut show doesn't have stress? ahh.. ok. i'll go now.. i need to get ready for church... after a short nap =)