Saturday, April 05, 2003

today was a bad day.. *sigh.. oh well. can't avoid bad days right? i tried making the bad day turn into good in 5th period.. but it just went down again in 6th.. stupid vocab test. anywho, i got my new bunk bed!.. but it takes up HALF the room.. LITERALLY.. it's ok.. i guess. my room's small so i kinda brought it upon myself.. but my sister likes it.. so that's a plus.. she's the one that's gonna end up using it more that i will anyways. umm.. wut else.. oh.. cotillion practice.. we need to start learning something new.. seriously.. her cotillion is in like 2-3 weeks and we still haven't learned swing.. g2g bbl..

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

ay yayayaya... wut a busy day. I must say.. my predictions were indeed correct. the smooth sailing has turned into a storm.. this time a storm of homework. Stupid english homework! damn.. i'm behind like 2 assignments.. i wish i could ditch tomorrow.. but that's not gonna happen because i have yet another quiz and another day of vocab in mun (which by the way.. i must attend because if i don't then i have to look up the words myself.. and i'm too lazy to look things up..haha) so diana and i... being the nerds we are.. are going to bust out our calendars and PLAN a day where we can be SO "sick" that we need fresh air.. which can only be found at either a) beach or b) mountains.. closest is the beach.. that's wut my mom always did when i was young.. took me to the beach when i had a TERRIBLE cough/asthma attack.. so yes.. haha AQUANERDS unite! mwahahaha we will be ONE with the water.. we will BE the water.. and then.. CHURROS! yum... hehe. umm.. today was interesting. =) it was a day were i was walking around aimlessly.. ok so i had destinations but it took big circles to get there.. hehe. i went to my first MUN Secritariat meetings.. it's every tuesday but some how tuesdays slip my mind.. and i went to pick up my sadies contract but they said that it was there.. so i'm gonna have to go check again.. tomorrow.. to see if there was any problems with it.. *sigh.. wut a hassle.. school dance policies suck.. but.. it's a necessary EVIL.. and the lady was anal! sheesh. okie dokie.. hehe i'm at trinity's house... eating yummy seafood alfredo.. *drool* i love the way grandma naty cooks it!.. o and i was suppose to see a screening of a movie today staring HOTNESS PAUL WALKER.. but no.. grandma comes first..

Monday, March 31, 2003

today was an overall good day. =) hmm recap on yesterday.. so i got home around 8 AM.. blogged at 8:27 AM (haha).. took an hour nap.. took a nice long shower.. got ready for church.. went to the 11 o'clock mass.. ate out with diana and family (just cuz they know that i didn't have food at home haha) went to wut was suppose to be val's cotillion practice.. ended up just chilling with solar, thong, and jerome at val's house cuz the val, stephanie, and pam went to david's bridal.. looked at funny video clips [HAHA!! esp. the last one! jk =) ] left val's around 3:30 PM.. went to jamba juice.. then to the mall to buy some clothes for mom and me =).. came home.. cleaned the house.. family got home around 10 PM... yep.. that was a fun filled day..

today was nice =) i got spring grams! yay! thanks solar & kristen! aww.. i feel loved.. i was going to buy some but u know me.. broke like a mother.. like always.. haha.. yay! i'm going to sadies! hehe.

Sunday, March 30, 2003

aaaahhhhh.. i'm so tired! but i've come to the point where it's past the tired stage and just.. dazed.. i guess. So PCN was yesterday.. it was fun while it lasted. but dude... my feet hurt like crazy. My family went to Diego so i had to sleep over at Trinity's house. I just got home.. ok so yesterday ended up being like this..
5:00 AM - watch family leave to deigo
8:30 - woke up
9:15 - pic up tickets for Jennifer and drop it off at artesia park [kyle had another game! =)]
9:45 - PCN practice
10:30 - home to change and take shower
11:15 - go to Di's house
around noon - got to Wilson High
1:00 to 3:00 PM - first run thru
4:00 - 5:30 PM - dress rehersal
7:00 - PCN
10:00 - AFTERPARTY =)

and u know wut i realized.. i didn't get to sit at all once we started the second run thru... so by the time we left the place my back was aching like crazy! *sigh*.. then during the afterparty i just walked around haha my feet became dull to the pain.. but yeah.. more pressure on my feet. it was fun walking around. when we got back after like a round of walking, we got up for another round.. haha. Then when we came back a second time, i ate casaba cake! it was SOOO yummy! hehe tong, angel, solar, and i had a fun conversation around the food haha! u know i'll be hanging out by the food table! =) then after that, jerome walked me to di's house where i parked my car. then left to gather stuff at home and left for jen's.

i'm kinda sad tho.. it's the last PCN i'll perform in high school. i just started to get to know these people and then i'm gonna have to leave it behind. *sigh.. but it was fun while it lasted.. even tho there was drama backstage but wut show doesn't have stress? ahh.. ok. i'll go now.. i need to get ready for church... after a short nap =)